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I would like to know if is safe upgrade my SB5101 from haxorware 1.0 rc1 to any of the new firmware version via Firmware Upgrade page on the WebGUI and TFTP server. My modem is working ok now, I don't want damage my modem. Thanks in advance
best regards
yes it is completely safe
rajkosto thanks you for the help. Kudos to you for this fantastic firmware.
I'm running 1.0rc6 on mySB5101. Is there any reason to upgrade to version 1.1rev31? Everything works fine as is. Also I thought I read on another forum that you needed to be using at least version 1.1rev30 in order to upgrade using the firmware upgrade page. So from what you said above to Darkbyte I assume I can "browse" for the .bin file and hit the "upload" button.
Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question but I don't want to take any chances.
yes upgrade. 1.1 is good