Hi Guys,
i needed help with
1) Which is better Motorola SB5101 or Webstar DPC 2100R2 ?
2) can USB JTAG NT flash both these modems ?
3) if yes, can any1 give me link to buy it using AlertPay(Payza) & below 72$.
thanks sixteen for reply
but is there any other place i can get usbjtag nt which accept alertpay i dont have a paypal account or do u know any trusted site that exchanges alertpay to paypal
The DCP21xx R2 are trash. You have signal issues as well with modems going bad buy a 5101 you cannot go wroung
thanks BornDirty i will by 5101
but the problem is Usbjtagnt is not shipped to India
for general info : can anyone tell me how much will it cost me to for shipping from USA to Mumbai, India ?
You can go to UPS for rates on shipping. You can also find out if one of his dealers in Spain may ship to you
can u give me link of the dealers list
(03-09-2012, 12:47 PM)shailm_85 Wrote: [ -> ]can u give me link of the dealers list
Contact USBDM tell him your problem he will help you.