Does anyone know of a way to automate the config downloading process. I have dynamics being served, but I can pretty much tell the good ones by their file size. I have tried everything I can think of to make this process painless (as opposed to doing them one by one) but nothing works.
Any ideas? I dont actually NEED configs, im just bored and amazed at the low level of security in my area and my ability to run most outdated programs. I tried the hax downloader but it just times out.
(18-06-2013, 10:15 PM)modembricker Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone know of a way to automate the config downloading process. I have dynamics being served, but I can pretty much tell the good ones by their file size. I have tried everything I can think of to make this process painless (as opposed to doing them one by one) but nothing works.
Any ideas? I dont actually NEED configs, im just bored and amazed at the low level of security in my area and my ability to run most outdated programs. I tried the hax downloader but it just times out.
dynamic configs have random names changed each session but still signed by same key i think there must be a hash value inserted into the config
before modem go online cmts compare that value of hash with its key which is generate it
random config names are reall pain because you allways need to check each mac adress to discover valid speed or valid downloaded config but only after you will download it never before...
just this must be a simply hashing alghoritm but without the key we cant hash our configs
Yeah I thought so, I read about the MD5. Changing Mac 1 by one is a real pain. Oh well... happy hump day folks!
(19-06-2013, 04:40 PM)modembricker Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I thought so, I read about the MD5. Changing Mac 1 by one is a real pain. Oh well... happy hump day folks!
Humping on those Pendleton hills?