What Program Is The Best To Scan For Macs With ?
Ive Been Using CMSNIFF ? <- Because What It Finds I Can Use..But Very Slow Macs 76 bytes
what does everybody else use ?
Your MACS arent an issue, your being given a low QOS by the CMTS..
(20-07-2013, 01:16 PM)Box3r Wrote: [ -> ]What Program Is The Best To Scan For Macs With ?
Ive Been Using CMSNIFF ? <- Because What It Finds I Can Use..But Very Slow Macs 76 bytes
what does everybody else use ?
I like to use DHCP FORCE program to scan for macs.
how would i go about getinng QOS back up to normal ?
This In The Right Area ?
qos-profile enforced
To specify a quality-of-service (QoS) profile that should be enforced when users violate their registered QoS profiles, use the qos-profile enforced command in enforce-rule configuration mode. To delete the enforced QoS profile from the enforce-rule, use the no form of this command.
qos-profile enforced profile-id [no-persistence]
no qos-profile enforced profile-id [no-persistence]
You have to read JR's signature at SBH
You have to get the CMTS like your cm....Using clones is old school and they can see that shit with D3. The problem is, no one is gonna openly post how they do it anymore. Private string, public string, blah blah blah...too much work. There are easier ways but you have to learn how a cm works on in D3. Once you get the big picture, you can start to look for chinks in the armor...
Can't give you anything specific....which is frustrating I am sure, because what works for me won't do shit for you.
Cisco, man! CISCO!!!!
Flexibility in Dealing with Possible Theft-of-Service Attempts
Service providers have the option of deciding what response to take when a DOCSIS configuration file fails its CMTS MIC check: mark that cable modem and allow the user online, reject the registration request and refuse to allow the user to come online until a valid DOCSIS configuration file is used, or lock the cable modem in a restricted QoS configuration until the modem remains offline for 24 hours. Locking malicious modems is the most effective deterrent against hackers, because it provides the maximum penalty and minimum reward for any user attempting a theft-of-service attack.
lock the cable modem in a restricted QoS configuration until the modem remains offline for 24 hours.
so if i leave my modem off for 24 hours i will be removed off Restricted QoS ?
i have 2 modems on a splitter would i need to turn them both off ?
Locked QOS means your clone isn't gonna get you anywhere now or 24 1/2 hours from now...try a new nimac and a new setup. That clone is now toast unless you research the provisioning process and figure out what to do in your area.