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Full Version: StormWatch for firmware update
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I am interested in being able to update the original firmware (not hacked) for the SB5101 and SB5101u; can this be done through the ethernet port using StormWatch II?

I am not interested in doing anything illegal, just to update my modems' firmware.
your modem should update automaticly when needed
Then how does StormWatch II do the firmware update?

My provider only updates leased modems (not owned)
(04-08-2013, 03:45 PM)ashiekh@coloradomesa.edu Wrote: [ -> ]Then how does StormWatch II do the firmware update?

My provider only updates leased modems (not owned)

The modem will take the update just connect it.
My provider has firmware for the SB5101 from 2004, while the latest is from 2011 (yes I am having problems with the modem they seem unable to solve)

Either way the provider only pushes firmware updates to leased (not owned) modems.
That is not true at all..What is the ISP?

And what person uses their email addt for a user name? Your ISP updates all modems with the firmware it uses for that IOS version on its CMTS

Then lease a modem and see if your issue goes away, (I doubt it)..

You are right about the user name, stupid me; then again I am not here to do anything illicit.

I did try a leased modem, their latest firmware was from 2004.
as far as i'm aware stormwatch uses bit files (like factory mode tool) and there is no bit file for 5101 modems
Forgive my ignorance, a 'bit file' is different from the firmware binary?

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