05-11-2009, 05:40 AM
hello everyone....i really hope i don't get flammed to badly on this question...letme start by saying that i'm a totall newbie here and am trying to read read read until my eyeballs bleed...and i hope this isn't too stupid of a question although i'm sure it is....
i've downloaded the posted sb51o2 script that was posted..and i know that you have to change the mac address to one that isn't in your area....basically i just got my usbjtag and am trying to figure out everything i've been reading and actually now have the tools to be able to look at things while i'm reading and try to figure shit out....so i also have a sb5102 on hand that i'm also gonna be testing...so i still have to change the mac from the one that's been downloaded in the file right? cause that one is from who know's where right? and morre the deffently not frorm my city up north in canada....but as i'm looking at a bunch of garble that i don't really understand cause i'm not a programmer nor am i very good at codeing...but where would i change that mac? i'm using the usbjtag nt software which is provided at another site ...now i know you have to put the haxowarre on it as well (which i havn't played with yet)..do you have to do this first? then put it into the haxoware? and if so do you have to do this in the code in notepad or is there a nice user friendly place to put it in a software progream.....
and again i'm really really sorry if this is a dumbass question, and i do expect to get flammed for it..but hey everyone was a nubie at one time right !!! and even though i'm not a programmin wiz but I am trying to figure stuff out and do indeed love testing (as i've tested sat's for years) and have been reading and reading...i know this is a whole different ballpark then sats..but i'd love a little push in the right direction here...sorry for being so long winded and i hope to have a little help if you guys don't mind...
thanks ever so much .....
i'm sure as i go along i'll have more dumbass questions just so you know....hahahah
***i also have a sb5101 that i'm gonna use for testing..***
i've downloaded the posted sb51o2 script that was posted..and i know that you have to change the mac address to one that isn't in your area....basically i just got my usbjtag and am trying to figure out everything i've been reading and actually now have the tools to be able to look at things while i'm reading and try to figure shit out....so i also have a sb5102 on hand that i'm also gonna be testing...so i still have to change the mac from the one that's been downloaded in the file right? cause that one is from who know's where right? and morre the deffently not frorm my city up north in canada....but as i'm looking at a bunch of garble that i don't really understand cause i'm not a programmer nor am i very good at codeing...but where would i change that mac? i'm using the usbjtag nt software which is provided at another site ...now i know you have to put the haxowarre on it as well (which i havn't played with yet)..do you have to do this first? then put it into the haxoware? and if so do you have to do this in the code in notepad or is there a nice user friendly place to put it in a software progream.....
and again i'm really really sorry if this is a dumbass question, and i do expect to get flammed for it..but hey everyone was a nubie at one time right !!! and even though i'm not a programmin wiz but I am trying to figure stuff out and do indeed love testing (as i've tested sat's for years) and have been reading and reading...i know this is a whole different ballpark then sats..but i'd love a little push in the right direction here...sorry for being so long winded and i hope to have a little help if you guys don't mind...
thanks ever so much .....
i'm sure as i go along i'll have more dumbass questions just so you know....hahahah
***i also have a sb5101 that i'm gonna use for testing..***