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Full Version: SBG6580 twerking help
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Hi all,

I am a newbie to this forum but not to werld of console, phone, misc electronic tweaking and twerking. My question is what do I need to gain access to my modem for modifying? Is jtag the only way or can gain access via ethernet connection/network.

I have done some searching but my ADD has me going in circles trying to make sense of it! A tutorial would be awesome if someone could please point me in that direction.

Short story is I want to change my docsis 2.0 modem to a docsis 3.0 and I need to change it's mac.

Wait, you are interesting in twerking your modem?
Yes, I want to make it shake and wiggle!

I have some old pic development boards...can I use these to read/write like the usbjtabnt?

[Image: mcd2_a71b.jpg]
[Image: MCD2PCB.jpg]
[Image: nowspz2.gif]

It looks like I can, it has a usb and rs232/serial interface. I can jumper the wires or just remove the chip all together if need be
No, just buy a USB JTAG NT if you want the easiest/best solution. A blackcat USB for cheaper solution. Or build your own parallel JTAG for the cheapest solution.

Depending on the modem, some have a serial rx/tx connector which you can use to initiate a firmware flash.
Unfortunately money is a concern, however, I have parallel cables and a computer to use them with. Here is my board, it's a Motorola sbg6580

[Image: ypWlZMPtiRRShffXsjcMntQPmnE-_Z6H95QX0CvGyqY=w105-h140-p]

Can anyone point me towards a tutorial on the parallel cable technique?
