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Full Version: can you flashing SB5101NE?
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I want to use the USB to TTL , but do not know the points of contact
(16-03-2015, 12:19 PM)neo_ Wrote: [ -> ]J507

Ask you about the specific connection method, it has the wiring diagram,thank you very much!!!
Probe. You only need ground, tx, and rx. If you try 9 different variations, 1 of them will be correct.
Pin3 looks like GND to me, now you only need to find the other two
(16-03-2015, 04:19 PM)ricktendo Wrote: [ -> ]Pin3 looks like GND to me, now you only need to find the other two

It is a difficult problemSadSadSad
(18-03-2015, 01:53 AM)andytg Wrote: [ -> ]USB JTAG


The answer is too perfect, thank you very much
Hope you don't try connecting your TTL adapter to the SPI chip.
Some times a wonder if ppl even read before they jump and post. You will need the NT to do that job.
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