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if i have my own config file that i have subbed to, and i was to edit it and try changing the speed,, is there a easy way to just have my modem download the edited one instead of the one pushed from the i.p. provider.. using a subbed modem not haxorware? thanks
[Image: no__9gag__by_hujikari-d51hu4l.jpg]
Sure, if this were still back in the sb4100 days, like a decade ago... Back when the only form of security an ISP had was the fact that no one knew shit about them. You'd just set your PC's IP manually to match the TFTP server's IP, host your own TFTP with the edited config, and the sb4100 would prioritize the ethernet over the coax and grab the config from you. Of course, that was fixed sometime after SB4100-, but hey, maybe you're from the past and can put that info to use... Tongue

Now, you won't find an ISP that lets you edit configs, there have been a couple of ways they've verified that it's one of their configs. You certainly won't be able to run a different config on an unmodded subbed modem, either.
(22-03-2015, 11:28 PM)bakageta Wrote: [ -> ]Now, you won't find an ISP that lets you edit configs, there have been a couple of ways they've verified that it's one of their configs.

In some circumstances, there is. But that's the full extent to what I'll say in a public setting.
The only way you're going to be doing that with "stock" firmware is patching the ti_tftp in the stock firmware (can be done in any Puma5 image that I've tried) and having an ISP that allows forcing of configs.

Doing it on your own subbed modem? I'd burn my house down after fucking about with stuff on my subbed modem.