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Full Version: Error connecting to target board ? Usb black cat only reads 1 correctly
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I have everything connected correctly and the drivers are installed
It reads the Usb black cat fine but It wont read the sb5101 I have 3 SB5101's and it won't read 2 of them it says error connecting to target board,
It only reads 1 perfectly fine .
What can be the problem ?
(31-03-2015, 12:52 AM)AquaN30N Wrote: [ -> ]I have everything connected correctly and the drivers are installed
It reads the Usb black cat fine but It wont read the sb5101 I have 3 SB5101's and it won't read 2 of them it says error connecting to target board,
It only reads 1 perfectly fine .
What can be the problem ?

No reason why 2 out 3 wouldn't work when 1 does. Check your connections.