im a neew in here don't realy now much abaut hacking in to system but still wanna try need help and instruction where to start what hardware i need please help???
(18-12-2009, 08:11 PM)drewmerc Wrote: [ -> ]all you need is a modem and a usbjtag cable
i guess you have a modem
jtag here
im not sure if pci slot will work an that conecton to modem can you confirm that jtag cable will work on any parallel port even if it,s not placed on motherboard ??? maybe you can't poin't me with some steps ???
thats why i linked you to a usb jtag and not a parallel one
as long as the card supports epp you should be ok with a crappy old blackcat
pci cards for parallel ports dont work, it has to be on the motherboard