i flashed my modem 5101i using Haxorware 1.1 R39.
all lights gone and modem not working.
i tried all helps already posted to recover bricked modem. but nothing works for me.
(i tried with JtagUtility and schwarze katze)
pls help
list all the ways you have tryed cause saying you tryed all does not help
you have not said what type of hardware you have other than the modem (tho i can guess you only have a parallel cable)
a hard reset of the flash will work
if none of the 3 methods in the link provided work you'll need to buy a usbjtag or a new modem
(27-12-2009, 11:37 AM)drewmerc Wrote: [ -> ]list all the ways you have tryed cause saying you tryed all does not help
you have not said what type of hardware you have other than the modem (tho i can guess you only have a parallel cable)
a hard reset of the flash will work
if none of the 3 methods in the link provided work you'll need to buy a usbjtag or a new modem
sorry.. i am not tried with usbjtag.
i dont have usbjtag. is any way possible without usbjtag.
still not said if you tryed the hard reset of the flash as it's the only other option
3.3v is applied to the pin 12 of the flash TSOP to reset it. I would recommend soldering a fine wire to the #12 lead first then apply power to it for about a second. You don't want to accidentally touch the pins on either side. the #27 pin is already attached to a common ground on the PCB.
I tried with different cables and I always get problems, there can't be anything better then a USBJTAG NT cable xD go to their website and buy one for $60... its the easiest way.. best thing u can do..