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Full Version: Help getting started sb5101
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The last few hours I been reading and reading both this and sbforum regarding the SB5101 modem. Unfortunately I was unable to find the specific answer to my question. Currently my apt complex has the SB5101 modem install into each unit. Is it in my best interested to buy a premodded modem or invest on the USB JTAG?
These premodded modem, would I just have to install, config and I'm done or would I required the USB JTAG as well? My isp is gator.net/GRU.net if that helps. Thank in advance and let me know which is my best option.
dont mod a modem if it's not 100% yours
so buy a premod but i would say also buy a usbjtag as it can help alot if your modem fucks up
thanks for the quick reply.
buying a modem as we speak. just one quick question, my isp is GRU.net/Gator.net in Gainesville, Florida. I put a request at sbforum regarding additional info. Do you happen to know anything regarding my ISP?
no sorry never heard of them