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which scipt ?
they Ubee's are easy if they are Puma5/TI based, best fw for modding out there, along with stock Moto firmwares. just uncomment #utelened in customer_runall and your good to go.
netgear 485 in uk cant access telnet or snmp so stuck at the mo
Lol, think of '@' andy, or 0xc0 etc..? Or the possibility that cpe access is disabled to flash.. meanwhile, re: BIOS script, that MAY be of use in newer secure bios's..

import zlib
from glob import glob

def zipstreams(filename):
"""Return all zip streams and their positions in file."""
with open(filename, 'rb') as fh:
data = fh.read()
i = 0
while i < len(data):
zo = zlib.decompressobj()
yield i, zo.decompress(data[i:])
i += len(data[i:]) - len(zo.unused_data)
except zlib.error:
i += 1

for filename in glob('*.ROM'): #change to meet your file extension
for i, data in zipstreams(filename):
print (i, len(data))

Now if this could be modified for firmware's, it would save all a shit load of hassle Wink
get this 485 sorted CM
Well, I suppose I would, but aside's from not having any, I'm currently pulling hairout as to why neither of these two ubee's wont flash.. they're detected, and can read from chip, but no flash will stick, using either 3.3 or 5v, so it's kinda break time, since the inf everywhere is pretty much useless garbage.. since when is a 6120 an ubee ffs..
give is model number of the ubee CM
Ubee done, 1 gone now (ips point and clickin cpu) so that's a spare, newer v2 is vmng300v2 no: edm3528.. done..
what next on the menu
get this ubee to allow eth access, lose alpha 1.1 (why put us in busybox, I dont know, I want back to root), and attempt getting the script to auto start on boot, who know's what will turn up in the meantime..
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