Does any one have a how to flash forceware with BCJTAG on a 6120 tutorial ? Way back when I remember there used to be tutorials all over for the 6120 now I cant seem to find anything . The board I have is one of the originals with the Jtag ports and serial ports still in tack.
I know how to use the software .....
Wasnt there something that had to be done when the modem was booting up? Count X secs the Touch a pin to another .But unless your using 3.3v power supply then do...
The ver sb6120 I have also uses a different boot loader?
ermmm in not sure mate maybe your on about the p option ,,, ive never used a SB mate so thats why i only give that link
maybe another person can help
I use a 3M test clip with ISP bypass pin I bought on Ebay. Place clip on chip, press ISP on pin, then power on. Then follow through with the software
Yep, easiest way for a 6120 is with the ISP line, hook it up before powering on the modem and don't let it drop. Solder it in place or get a helper to hold it there nice and steady. If you don't have a setup with an ISP line, you can apply 3.3v to pin 2 on the SPI flash (and properly ground it, pin 10 I think?) and in that case, do NOT power the modem on. Either way should work fine, I've done both with a usbjtagnt, I can't imagine it'd be significantly different for a flashcat/bcjtag.
On the off chance that you are fortunate, your SB6120 may have a serial header on it. All things considered you just need a serial console wire, and a PC running terminal programming and a TFTP server. I'm upbeat to help you with the strides in the event that you can get yourself this far.
Most SB6120 units don't have a serial header, and all things considered you'll need something that can program the SPI streak straightforwardly. Thus the USBJTAG NT I utilize, or the blazing apparatus that mlord created
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