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Full Version: What the funk!!! Can it work???
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YEss, She can work!ExclamationExclamationExclamation


Also you give modem bathing , it can perform better, cooler, fastest, like a viagra nurse
Lmao, can I just put in the freezer. It would be easier
water it first with urine, its sterile and will help the circuit from over-cooling
Lmao, how about I just shit on it. Might have better luck. Top shit speeds
you know... whats really fun to do? you got this motherfucker with a barking dog, or noisy, whatever.. you take a fire alarm and wire it so its constantly on test (use the dollar store cheap ass ones) then cover it in shit and put it in a bush or tree at about 4 am near their window.
while watching the video why do I think that I'm losing 10 minutes watching this dick hoe...

just tried it and works so good it's amazing ... fuck certs fuck config this is easier than changing a mac address
i'd 100mbps as he said when starting watching the video and 100000kbps when finished puff it's like google fiber arrived home
L.mao, I'm better off. Just reading, reading. I am Sam. Don't like green eggs, n ham