Hello i hear there is a good mac sniffer in haxoware tools sorn53.exe does anyone have the link for it please?
For some reason, I'm getting an error through winrar saying the file is corrupt. Any ideas?
Also how do I run the first attacment? I see its a Tar_3 format. What do I need to run it. Sorry for the newb questions and thanks for ur help
corrupt for me to
tar should open fine with winrar or 7zip but here's another version in rar format
they are perl scripts so you'll need active perl
Brilliant and thank you.
1 last question. How can i find out my telnet user name and PW?
admin root or root admin (i can never remember which way round) it will say on the setting's page of the webgui
if you have forgotten it you'll need to dump it and search the dump in a hex editor
I ran the script and it did not create the all txt files....
I found avoid_mac_type.txt
but no other files are these generated by the script or do I need to create manually?
also I get a pattern mismatch at line 297.