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Arris Surfboard SB8200 firmware
My Arris Surfboard SB8200 firmware was corrupt, can anyone send me the full nand dumb file? I already bought an USb nand flasher (flashcat), just need the firmware.
My email is:
I have a virgin sb8200 ill send you back up image of itif u show me how i even connect them modem i dont see any chip that look like i can connect to on the board look like it need to be a solder on chip for it if u have pdf or diagram i can try to get it off for you if i can connect to it
My SB8200 don't have any serial connection port or point, so I don't know how to connect to it, I'll flash the firmware bt nandflasher.
Thank you for respond.
If your SB8200 is B model, you can look at this connection diagram...

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(23-07-2020, 08:16 PM)BetaZone Wrote: If your SB8200 is B model, you can look at this connection diagram...

it is NOT a SB8200 PCB, I have V4 and V6, none of like you

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