Hi All,
Thanks for your help.
I have a really TERRIBLE internet provider called mdu communications. The building I am in has an exclusivity contract. Essentially, they charge 39.99 for 3 mb/s. Terrible.
In any case, I attempted to mod my current 5101i but I am stuck because I bought a 10$ jtag cable that goes to a parallel port. Unfortunately, I have a windows 7 64 bit machine and JtagUtilty will not start due to compatibility with 64 bit and the IO.sys driver. I am downloading a virtual 32 bit instance now. We will see where that goes.
As I was learning (and afraid I might fry my current modem), I also bought a pre-modded 5101i on ebay preloaded with haxorware. I am trying to figure out, how do I get this new one configured as my old one is -- is all I need to have the MAC addresses? OR is there more? Would it be better to call up my isp and tell them my modem burned out and I bought a new one... and then have them configure my "pre-modded" modem?
Thanks all!
they're gonna configure your haxorware cm back to stock for you. WTH is an i modem? get a reg 5101 with a bcm 3349 chipset so you can use your pjtag on it(after you run win xp or win 7 32 bit in vmware or on a separate hdd partition)
(27-08-2012, 12:14 AM)southernyankey1970 Wrote: [ -> ]they're gonna configure your haxorware cm back to stock for you. WTH is an i modem? get a reg 5101 with a bcm 3349 chipset so you can use your pjtag on it(after you run win xp or win 7 32 bit in vmware or on a separate hdd partition)
It is just a 5101i -- that's what the name is according to the label. It has the bcm 3349 chipset so that is good. I am dling a windows 7 virtualbox now so I should be able to get the drivers working there and connect through the virtual "parallel port."
When you say, they will return it to stock for me, does that mean - I can go back through "" and change the settings I need, or would I literally have to reflash?
i doubt seriously that you can provision a modem with Hax already installed unless your ISP is still on docscis 1.0. I know that on Comcast you will not be given a public ip until the signed firmware is written to your modem during the initial provisioning process.Smaller ISP's can have serious security sometimes so be prepared to do a lot of work. turn off bpi or enable bpi bypass and just plug it in to the network...if it goes into reboot hell then your isp is running bpi+ and you will need a clone or maybe if you are really lucky you will be able to autoserve or force a cfg file. Only way is to try!
(27-08-2012, 01:14 AM)southernyankey1970 Wrote: [ -> ]i doubt seriously that you can provision a modem with Hax already installed unless your ISP is still on docscis 1.0. I know that on Comcast you will not be given a public ip until the signed firmware is written to your modem during the initial provisioning process.Smaller ISP's can have serious security sometimes so be prepared to do a lot of work. turn off bpi or enable bpi bypass and just plug it in to the network...if it goes into reboot hell then your isp is running bpi+ and you will need a clone or maybe if you are really lucky you will be able to autoserve or force a cfg file. Only way is to try!
I'm sorry, I am not sure what you mean by bpi... or by cloning... or forcing the config file. I am a bit of a n00b here - but I am sure I ca get this moving. This ISP probably has really crappy security... they have teenagers setting up modems for internet.
Meanwhile, should I be able to connect using the jtag utility in windows 7 32 bit? 64 bit has been a mess due to io.sys....
yes. Tom's Utility works fine on W7 32bit. you're gonna need to learn those terms if you intend on getting anywhere with this hobby and no one is going to spoon feed you step by step. Those days are long gone. If retards are running amuck on your isp then you can probably just run macs or clones...
Alright - I got haxorware flashed and installed. I have access to - I guess now is figuring what's next in uncapping the modem.
I am assuming the caps are stored in the Cfg file. Am I able to download this directly from haxorware, or do I need to create my own cfg file?
By the way, my modem is working perfectly on the network with bpi off... no reboot hell..
thanks for your help.
if you can run bpi disabled you can pretty much do whatever the hell you want on that network. find ther fastest cfg you can and try to serve it or force it. Man you are soooo lucky. I could have a f ing field day at your house....lol
I am actually trying to find config files. It looks like they are encrypted by default on the modem ....
(27-08-2012, 05:53 PM)southernyankey1970 Wrote: [ -> ]if you can run bpi disabled you can pretty much do whatever the hell you want on that network. find ther fastest cfg you can and try to serve it or force it. Man you are soooo lucky. I could have a f ing field day at your house....lol