When I spoof my HFC MAC only to an active account MAC.... i get a "Set Failure".
When I spoof my HFC & CPE (usb) MAC's to an active accounts MAC's.... I get validated and I get service.
My MAC Sniffer only retrieves HFC MAC's. Is there a program that will retrieve both HFC & CPE (usb) MAC addresses from modems on the network? Or is there another way to not get the "Set Failure" error?
Young Mogul
(09-02-2013, 03:40 PM)drewmerc Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.haxorware.com/forums/attachment.php?aid=189
Thank you DREWMERC for the link. I ran the MAC Calculator, Input the CPE it came up with. Didn't validate me on the network. I see that this calculator works by creating MAC's through an algorithm based on a HFE MAC, however, I believe that in this case I will have to run a sniffer that will actually capture the HFE & CPE from a modem on the network. Does anything like this exist? Or is there a work around that I am missing?
Young Mogul
What is the HFE?
If your ISP uses BPI +, how will you validate the original CVC's? and if they co-sign a valid MFC'ers CVC, how will you do that? Is this ISP in the US?
The HFE MAC is the coax MAC.
I dont know anything about BPI + or CVC's. That may seem stupid, but I havent had to explore those variables yet, so I dont know how they work. If you think that it's something I need to understand please point me to a newbie tutorial. A lot of what I've found online as far as information is either incomplete, out of date or cryptic... lol.
I've got my modem to work by using a matching HFC & CPE MAC but otherwise I get a "Set Failure" upon authentication. Maybe I've just had dumb luck. I want to try using a different HFC / CPE Set, hence the post on this forum.
Yes, my ISP is in the US. Colorado to be exact.
Any perspective would be appreciated. Not afraid to put in the work, just need to be pointed in the right direction.
Young Mogul
Well, if you can just swap macs and get online...what is your issue? Do you have a friend that lives in another node? Use teamviewer to run a scan for macs in his node from your house and just use some of those. DHCPForce is a better mac scanner than the rest i think. You don't always need to have the cpe mac addy that the cm was provisioned with as the cable co knows that people buy new stuff all the time...I never had any problems changing the nic addy on the rig my sub was always connected to.
I've cloned a friend's CM on another node and that worked, but I actually want to understand how that worked and how I can do it with a different MAC addresses. When I use his HFC MAC only with a non-matching CPE MAC, it doesnt work. But, when I use his HFC & CPE MAC's, I get online. With that, I assumed that the HFC & CPE MAC's had to match in order to pass authentication. The more I read, the more I think that might not be the case and that there are other variables that were non issues because I copied his entire flash to my CM.
I know nothing is free and think its cool the way you guys encourage people to learn on this forum by dropping hints. Earn what you learn.
At first, I was irritated by the cryptic hints here and there, but quickly understood why you guys do it that way. Back in the early days of the internet before google and all, people would ask me how to do something that took me weeks or months to figure out and when I told them in a minute or two how I solved it, they would just be like "thanks" with no appreciation for the value of the information. So I get it.
Obviously I have to do some more reading and hopefully when I have a question you guys can point me in the right direction. I was up till 6am last night reading... I love this shit.
So, if you have any hints for me to get started with, I would appreciate it. ABMJR asked me a few questions that got me thinking.... anything to get the wheels turning helps.
HPC.... not HPE.... lol
TIA guys,
Young Mogul
HFC not HPC or HFE
The HFC MAC address is the MAC addy of the device (bridge) on the plant side of the network
HFC=Hybrid fiber-coaxial (HFC) is a telecommunications industry term for a broadband network which combines optical fiber and coaxial cable. It has been commonly employed globally by cable television operators since the early 1990s.
It all depends on what sec features are being used by your ISP. Obviously, not many, if you can just swap a mac. Or, did only a full clone of the cm work? Does your isp push a firmware update on the modem? Unfortunately, we can't diagnose your node from here. Why not post a telnet boot log of a successful handshake (edit out all ip's first!). Do it with Hax Diag so you can see everything.
is this possible?...
i have a mac address (from another cable modem) and i want to discover the hfc ip...scenario: same isp, i'm able to scan, able to browse http of other modems...able to telnet some of them...
sometimes ip changes, this is a network with dinamic ip
how can i do this ???
there is a tool for this ??