21-11-2014, 10:42 AM

| Portions of this product contain open source software and are subject |
| to terms of the applicable license as specified in the release notes. |
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Motorola Corporation
| | _/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/
| | _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Broadband
| | _/ _/ _/ _/
| | _/_/ _/_/_/ _/ Foundation
| | _/ _/ _/ _/
| | _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Classes
| | _/_/_/ _/ _/_/
| |
| | Copyright (c) 1999 - 2012 Broadcom Corporation
| |
| | Revision: 5.5.6mp5
| |
| | Features: SBG6580 Console TelnetConsole SshConsole Nonvol Fat HeapManager
| | Features: SNMP Networking USB2.0 IPv6 (script Mot_SBG6580) Switch53125
| | Standard Embedded Target Support for BFC
| |
| | Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Broadcom Corporation
| |
| | Revision: 3.0.1
| |
| | Features: PID=0xa0f7 BID=0x0 Bootloader-Rev=2.3.0beta5
| | Features: Bootloader-Compression-Support=0x11 MANUFACT_BITS=0xa
| | Features: Bcm80211=Build Dec 19 2012 20:49:24
| | Features: App Ver
| | Features: Wl Ver
| | Features: IopLib-Rev=556.12.0
| | eCos BFC Application Layer
| |
| | Copyright (c) 1999 - 2012 Broadcom Corporation
| |
| | Revision: 3.0.2
| |
| | Features: eCos Console Cmds, (no Idle Loop Profiler)
| | _/_/ _/ _/
| | _/ _/ _/_/ _/_/ DOCSIS Cable Modem
| | _/ _/ _/ _/
| | _/ _/ _/
| | _/ _/ _/
| | _/ _/ _/ _/
| | _/_/ _/ _/
| |
| | Copyright (c) 1999 - 2012 Broadcom Corporation
| |
| | Revision: 5.5.6mp5
| |
| | Features: AckCel(tm) DOCSIS 1.0/1.1/2.0/3.0 Propane(tm) CM SNMP w/Factory
| | Features: MIB Support CM Vendor Extension eDOCSIS SLED D3.0 Drop
| | Features: Classifiers FAP NA Production L2VPN
| | Motorola Data-Only CM Vendor Extension
| |
| | Revision: 3.0.0a
| |
| | Features: DHCP Server HTTP Server
| | _/_/_/
| | _/_/ _/ _/ eRouter Dual Stack
| | _/ _/ _/ _/
| | _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/
| | _/ _/ _/
| | _/ _/ _/
| | _/_/_/ _/ _/
| |
| | Copyright (c) 1999 - 2012 Broadcom Corporation
| |
| | Revision: 5.5.6mp5
| |
| | Features: eRouter SNMP Customer Extension NATP DS-Lite
| | Broadcom eRouter Customer Extension
| |
| | Copyright (c) 1999 - 2012 Broadcom Corporation
| |
| | Revision: 3.0.2
| |
| | Features: ()
| | Build Date: Jan 23 2013
| | Build Time: 13:01:32 (-0800)
| | Built By: vobadm02
| | Image Name: ecram_sto.bin
| | Image Path: /vobs/sb/sb_ecos/rbb_cm_src/CmDocsisSystem/ecos/Mot_SBG6580_ipv6
CM> help
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con_high cpuLoad cpuUtilization exit mbufShow
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[80211_hal] [Console] [HeapManager] [HostDqm] [cablemedea] [cm_hal]
[docsis_ctl] [dtp] [eRouter] [embedded_target] [enet_hal] [event_log] [fam]
[flash] [forwarder] [ftpLite] [ip_hal] [msgLog] [non-vol] [pingHelper] [snmp]
[snoop] [usb_hal]