Hi guys,
I bought a Motorola Surfboard 6121 DOCSIS 3.0 and tried to activate it with my ISP but they refused to do.
They said that they stopped activating customer modems but they used to and as you can imagine the support said I can use my modem but I have to install it myself and they don't know how.
There is any way to activate it myself?
The modem that I have, provided by the ISP, is a Motorola Surfboard SB5100 DOCSIS 2.0 and my connection is 10MB.
I bought this modem because there is a monthly fee to use their modem which in 2 years is the price of a new 6121 and I'm a customer for about 4 years now.
I don't really want to use free internet or increase the speed or anything like that, just want to use the bought modem which I'm assuming that is better than the current one and cancel the monthly fee.
Is that possible?
The modem boots, the downstream and upstream lights get blue (seems like the ISP provides DOCSIS 3.0) but it can't get online (seems like it can't get an IP address from ISP).
(03-02-2015, 09:56 PM)sobrinho Wrote: [ -> ]They said that they stopped activating customer modems but they used to and as you can imagine the support said I can use my modem but I have to install it myself and they don't know how.
Yes, that's it.
Transcribing the call was something like:
Me: Hi, I would to install my own cable modem and cancel the modem rent.
ISP: Ok, you can use your own cable modem but you have to install it yourself.
Me: How can I do that?
ISP: Just connect the power and the coaxial cable and that's it.
Me: But I already did that and the modem can't get an IP address, I think you have to allow my HMAC or something.
ISP: I can't help you with that, we used to do that about a year ago and charge for it once but now this service is suspended.
Me: But how can I use my modem then?
ISP: Sorry, we can't help, you have to install it yourself.
Her assumed there is a way to activate the modem by myself but I think it's lack of knowledge of the attendant that the ISP doesn't allow that (although I see no reason to not allow).
I guess there is a HMAC filter on the network.
These hacked firmwares is supposed to allow changing it? If they allow I will have trouble to configure it properly?
I looked some posts and users always quotes about a certificate that I have no clue how it works.
Wow, even Comcast isn't that bad(yet!). Maybe it was just "new guy day" at the ISP when you called. Try calling again and see if you can actually get through to a provisioning tech.
Buy a used 5100 and see if they will activate that. You have no need of a multi tuner D3 modem with a 10 mb tier.
Better yet, does your ISP have a webpage? See if there is a page for customer device that are approved for your use.
(04-02-2015, 02:07 AM)sobrinho Wrote: [ -> ]Me: Hi, I would to install my own cable modem and cancel the modem rent.
ISP: Ok, you can use your own cable modem but you have to install it yourself.
Me: How can I do that?
ISP: Just connect the power and the coaxial cable and that's it.
Me: But I already did that and the modem can't get an IP address, I think you have to allow my HMAC or something.
ISP: I can't help you with that, we used to do that about a year ago and charge for it once but now this service is suspended.
Me: But how can I use my modem then?
ISP: Sorry, we can't help, you have to install it yourself.
If I had to presume anything, they are inferring the new unregistered modem should bring up a captive portal page with a login to automatically register it.
No idea why yours doesn't work as such.
You shouldn't need to hack your modem to achieve such, more of a customer service issue.
With comcrap you only need to hook up the modem, wait until get ip and then try to open internet, intermediately is going to redirect you to their website where you only need to confirm your current account number and information about you. Few minutes later its all done and ready to surf...
Now, can you check in the configuration page of this modem in the log event section what exactly are you getting when your modem is hooked up to the coax?
(04-02-2015, 08:27 PM)neo_ Wrote: [ -> ] (04-02-2015, 02:07 AM)sobrinho Wrote: [ -> ]Me: Hi, I would to install my own cable modem and cancel the modem rent.
ISP: Ok, you can use your own cable modem but you have to install it yourself.
Me: How can I do that?
ISP: Just connect the power and the coaxial cable and that's it.
Me: But I already did that and the modem can't get an IP address, I think you have to allow my HMAC or something.
ISP: I can't help you with that, we used to do that about a year ago and charge for it once but now this service is suspended.
Me: But how can I use my modem then?
ISP: Sorry, we can't help, you have to install it yourself.
If I had to presume anything, they are inferring the new unregistered modem should bring up a captive portal page with a login to automatically register it.
No idea why yours doesn't work as such.
You shouldn't need to hack your modem to achieve such, more of a customer service issue.