I'm sure this is a futile attempt, but I recently found that my config file that was written for my modem on Haxorware 1.1 R39 was deleted from the flash memory. Is there any way to get it back? (other than uploading it again, which is impossible because it was lost during a system crash) Interestingly enough, the modem still is able to get out on the net, but only at ridiculously latent speed. I'm a noob to writing config files, so trying to recreate the one I had before would be next to impossible without the help I originally got from a friend many moons ago. Thanks!
(28-01-2016, 09:15 AM)docsis_killer Wrote: [ -> ] (28-01-2016, 03:20 AM)taterwulf Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sure this is a futile attempt, but I recently found that my config file that was written for my modem on Haxorware 1.1 R39 was deleted from the flash memory. Is there any way to get it back? (other than uploading it again, which is impossible because it was lost during a system crash) Interestingly enough, the modem still is able to get out on the net, but only at ridiculously latent speed. I'm a noob to writing config files, so trying to recreate the one I had before would be next to impossible without the help I originally got from a friend many moons ago. Thanks!
You can no longer write your own configuration files for use on your modem(s) unless you have administrative privileges on the head end at your ISP of course (which you dont) or your isp is brain dead and doesn't implement Dynamic Secrets heh, anyway. if you did have a working configuration file and lost it that's too bad as many of the configuration files that are circulating these days are not really too public so i doubt you well find one. As for why you cannot write your own config and use it...well Read This If you do not wanna read that here's a Short Explanation
Basically when a modem comes online it grabs a configuration file from the CMTS which has a (what is now usually dynamic) shared secret, This shared secret is used to calculate the CMTS MIC this dynamic secret (if implemented) changes every time and is never the same and is generated and is set between your modem and the CMTS in the config file. If for some reason your modem comes online with a config that has an incorrect shared secret it well be marked as a reject in the CMTS Because it cant calculate the CMTS MIC.
Now i know your next question, "Why could i use my modded config then if all this dynamic crap is going on?"
Simple, That config file was a static config someone managed to get their hands on or a rouge engineer at your ISP leaked out. To put it simply these config files are setup in the CMTS with a STATIC shared secret and can be used on a modem just so long as the secret in the config is the same as the one in the CMTS.
Thanks for the explanation. That makes a lot of sense. I was pretty sure something like that was going on, but didn't exactly know how to explain it. My question on that is, if said person were to get ahold of a "static" config and write it to a modem for use, is he just reusing the same config for all the modems he is pushing out? This guy used to make TONS of modems for people. I can't imagine he'd have THAT many different static configs at his disposal (unless of course he had an "in" at TWC)
Thanks again!
I posted a 30mb or 50mb config here somewhere 2 years ago, it might still work. Im not sure where it is.
(30-01-2016, 12:28 AM)docsis_killer Wrote: [ -> ] (30-01-2016, 12:02 AM)modembricker Wrote: [ -> ]I posted a 30mb or 50mb config here somewhere 2 years ago, it might still work. Im not sure where it is.
Those Files last I was told were invalidated because they were circulated too much.
Yeah, I have a copy of that config actually. I am using it as a reference for proper coding syntax of the custom config i'm writing for my modem. I have one now that it accepts and boots with, but the speeds are crazy slow (BUT it passes the CMTS MIC and verification's). Need to fine tune and work on that to get it working the way it should. If I succeed, i'll let ya'll know!