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haxorware webshell command
Here are a few more things that might help someone out...

DESCRIPTION: explained below
Shows usage information about the specified command(s), or lists the set of
commands available in the active table. If no parameters are specified, then
an abbreviated list of all commands and subtables is displayed.

-t -- Shows the entire tree of command tables and commands (in
abbreviated form).
-l -- Shows detailed information about all commands and subtables (this
can print a LOT of information)!
-s -- Shows detailed information on just the subtables.
-i -- Shows detailed information on just the registered instances for
the active table.
-a -- Does everything that the -l, -s, and -i options do.

Command is the name (or partial name) of one or more commands and subtables
for which you want detailed help to be displayed.

help -- This shows an abbreviated list of all commands and
help cd -- This shows detailed help on the 'cd' command.
help cd ! diag -- This shows detailed help on the 2 commands and subtable
help -l -- Shows detailed help on all available commands and


CM> help
CM> help -t
CM> help -t

Command Table: Built-in Commands (built-in)


System-wide, built-in commands that are handled by the Console Thread. These
commands are always available, regardless of which command table is active.

Available Commands:

! ? REM cd dir
find_command help history instances ls
man pwd sleep syntax system_time

Messages In This Thread
haxorware webshell command - by subhani - 25-02-2012, 06:43 PM
RE: haxorware webshell command - by drewmerc - 25-02-2012, 08:40 PM
RE: haxorware webshell command - by torro32 - 29-08-2012, 12:07 AM
RE: haxorware webshell command - by SlowGrind6 - 29-08-2012, 08:48 AM
RE: haxorware webshell command - by Canis-Major - 06-07-2015, 04:32 AM
RE: haxorware webshell command - by drewmerc - 06-07-2015, 03:48 PM
RE: haxorware webshell command - by Canis-Major - 06-07-2015, 05:13 PM

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