26-06-2012, 08:02 PM
(26-06-2012, 03:40 PM)modembricker Wrote: I too would like to know where the pdf's are. Tutorials section? I am back up, thats not the problem. The problem is that I'm up with a speed thats equal to my sub. I'm wondering if twc "finally" fixed our ability to force configs, or just force "that" config. I have alot of configs but they are the old ones from sbh and none work anymore. Alot are from twcny anyway. Maybe someone can throw me a bone in my inbox. I like to read and learn, I just dont want to start off on something thats not pertinent to my current situation. But if need be, Ill start off at A and work my way down to Z
Have a good day folks!
Forcing configs still work.

All you need to do is find the new ones.
No I will not help you if only have a few worthless post on the forum.